Community Drug and Alcohol Team

Community Drug and Alcohol Team. Have you had experiences with a DAT team? How did it work for you? Do you work for a DAT?

Community Drug and Alcohol Team

Postby admin » Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:40 am

This section is the CDAT section. Do you work for a DAT? What are your views? - Have you used a DAT? How did you get on? Would you recommend them? Which one did you use?
Site Admin
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Re: Community Drug and Alcohol Team

Postby derek239 » Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:36 pm

I'm retired and found using alcohol made the days pass quicker. I was blacked out most of the time. When I finally admitted to being an alcoholic my GP referred me to SMART, which sounds like it is very much the same as CDAT. Apart from regular meets with a key worker they run groups six days a week and some evenings. I avoided the groups for three months thinking I didn't need them and could manage on my own.
When I decided to start attending the groups it was clear that I needed the structure, information and meeting others with similar problems. It wasn't easy and I had blips when I turned to the booze again.
I have been dry for ten months now and at times still struggle. Apart from getting my life back I now volunteer with SMART, co-facilitating groups, screen new clients, manage our allotment and starting a photographic club.
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Re: Community Drug and Alcohol Team

Postby Andy284 » Tue Apr 29, 2014 6:57 am

Derek, that is brilliant. Now hopefully some of the others might take a leaf out of your book and give it a try instead of expecting everything done for them at a "miracle" (none existent) free rehab clinic, where they don't have to put any effort in, and all of a sudden they have their life back. Great post, and I really hope others take the time to read this and take a leaf out of your book. SMART and, or CDAT does work if you give it a go.
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